The Story So Far....


To the Miniature Mountain, a miniatures hobby page trying to figure out what to do with all these miniatures!

Why should you read this blog?
Life is full of stories, some are long and detailed. As a miniature game hobbyist, I have experienced a vast variety of moments, which would get "...lost like tears in the rain" (Blade Runner). The goal of this blog is to be the written record of my ramblings as a tinkerer, designer and reflective miniature game hobbyist.

What can you expect to see?
I am hoping to discuss my latest hobby projects, game design thoughts and opinions... because why not?

Is there a schedule?
No, but I will put a lot of depth into a post, so it should be worth a read... or not... your choice.

Sooo, you like miniature games eh? (hint of where I'm from), Which ones have you played?
Too many and yet... not nearly enough. Here's a short list of some which I can remember, in no particular order.
-Warhammer 40K
-Warhammer Fantasy... yes the old one and no not the new one, but that's cool too.
-Star Wars X-Wing
-Star Wars Armada
-Warmachine and Hordes
-Blood Bowl
-Adeptus Titanicus
And much more...

My Eras in the Hobby:

The Start:
My story in the hobby started like many in the early 2000's (2003 for the hardcore historians). I was introduced to the magical world of miniature gaming through the beautiful brutal abyss that is Warhammer 40,000, aka Warhammer 40K, aka Warhammy 40k, aka I love it... This was during the 4th edition era of the ruleset and like many of my kind I was drawn to what I loved... giant robots. So my first army ended up being a Tau force, with lots of robots (even though the truly giant robots would show up 10 years later). I went with the classic beginner paint job of White over Black... *Cringe* needless to say my painting skills had room for improvement.

After a couple of years, I got into the Orks in a big way and loved how they played, even though it required over 100 models to paint... That's a lot of green and blue....
Half way through 5th edition, I got the Warhammer Fantasy bug and well the rest is history really.

After graduating High School, like many hobbyists I ran the risk of falling out of the hobby. School and work took time away from the experience (as it should imo). However my passion for the hobby burned brighter, especially as school became more difficult and isolating. Back in the late 2000's I discovered the joys of podcasting, both as a listener and eventual host. In those days, the legendary shows of 40K Radio and Podhammer were always in my download list. I'm sure we will talk about those in greater detail, but needless to say I would eventually take my steps into the podcasting world.

Here's a list of the shows I ran and some I guested on (that I can recall, sorry if I miss one):
-War and More Radio
-The Warmonger
-The Gaming Snowball
-The Strike Zone, A Dreadball Podcast
-Combat Phase
-Flock and Awe
-The Zlurpcast
-Get the Ref

I learned so much from my time podcasting, that it inspired me to pursue Communications as a career. Through my experiences hosting the Strike Zone Podcast, I learned so much about project management and ultimately wouldn't be where I am today with out all these moments.

The Present:
After finishing my post secondary education, I took a break from podcasting to refocus and adjust to my new career back home. Two years later, I have embraced the hobby again fully with two hands and have WAY TOO MANY random thoughts on pretty much everything hobby related. Heck I might even have the odd miniature game design idea rattling in there some where, let's find out together!

Sooo What Now?
Well I'm glad you asked, first on the plate we have a review of Warcry in the coming weeks. Just want to get a couple more games in first.

Thanks for reading, I can be found on Twitter: @ATT64 talk to you soon!

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