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The Atlas Titan Project, Tales from the Hobby

I am thankful to have the opportunity to share with you all, the truly remarkable story of how a simple hobby project, grew into one of the single largest undertakings in the entire miniature gaming community. It has been amazing to witness this five-year-long  project as it has developed and special thanks to Kim and Josiah for allowing me the chance to share their story on how the Atlas Titan Project came to be and where it's going. Well... Let's get started!  Back in 2015, our story starts with Josiah, who was inspired by the many individual Warhammer 40,000 Imperial Titan-builds that existed online. He remembers the exact start of the project, since his niece was born around the same time. During 2015, in our corner of the Canadian wilderness, a recession had occurred and Josiah found he suddenly had a fair amount of free time since he was only temporarily laid off from his job due to the slowing economy, "what a great opportunity to explore and try building a...

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